You are amazing, seriously! We want to express our genuine gratitude. Your purchase allows us at Way Easier Creations to continue to do what we love and provide you with quality products. We hope you enjoy the template and it makes productivity tasks easier for you!

Key Features


How to access the spreadsheet

Click the "Access Spreadsheet" button on the PDF file you received, then click "Make Copy". Make sure you are logged in to your google account as this is required in order to save the copy into your google drive.


Setup TAB


Enter your company name

First things first, once you provide your company name, it will be used throughout the worksheet automatically.

Enter accounting Year

Enter the report year. Usually when you incurred the expenses. This will help ensure all your data is date-accurate.

Expense Categories

The first categories marked with orange are standard for any business, theses are used for Tax preparation so it makes it easy for tax season. If your product does not fit these categories, you can change the ones marked in green as "Other" and make them your own.

Income Category

Setup your income categories. If you have multiple businesses/sources of income, it is recommended to have each one of them as a different category, however, you can use it however you see fit. For example: You can use categories to be different products offered in your business.
Up to 20 categories
Up to 20 income categories

Transactions TAB


This tabs is where you will enter all your transactions, both income and expenses. The sheet only requires a few basic details about each transaction such date, name, income or expense selection, category and amount. Once you have entered the information, the worksheet will automatically organize it for you into the P&L report. You can enter the information in any order. 

Enter a Transaction: Video


Advanced Data Validation:

The worksheet is designed to help you as you enter the transactions. You will see message pop up both on top and on the right side next to each row where the error is.

The top message will also indicate which row has an error and a description of what the error is so you can easily correct the problem.


Overview TABS


Monthly Overview


The Monthly Overview is automatically generated. Here you will see all the information you entered in the transactions tab, organized into the different categories, sorted and totaled for convenience.  


  • Total Income

  • Total Expenses

  • Total Loss/Profit

  • Profit/Loss Margin

  • Income Breakdown

  • Expense Breakdown

  • Transaction List for Selected Month



    We have incorporated a way to easy hide the data for those times when you have an unexpected eye near you.

    To Enable, just check the box at the top of the tab and the information will be hidden with a few asterisks. To display all data again just uncheck the box.


    Filter Options

    Use the dropdown menu to filter transactions for the selected month by either Income or Expense.


    Sort By

    You also have the availability to sort the data in a way that best fits your needs using the Sort By dropdown.

    No Data on chart – Error

    Chart Error (No Data)

    If you see a message that reads "Add a series to start visualizing your data", it likely means you don't have any data for that chart yet or you may have "Privacy Mode" on at the top of the tab. Go to your transactions tab and enter the information there.

    Yearly Overview


    P&L Statement / Comparison TAB

    Everything on this page will be generated automatically for your convenience. The worksheet will sort all your data into the categories and by date. The sheet is sorted in a way that is easy to read and understand. It also makes it easy for you to print and take to your tax preparer for tax purposes. 

    • Print Ready

    • Month Selector

    • Summary

    • Auto totaling


      Print Ready!

      The page has been formatted and designed to be ready to print. 


      Month selection / All Year Comparison

      If you want to see how the Year to Date (YTD,"ALL YEAR") amounts compare to each individual month, use the month selector in order change the month column to the one you want to compare it to. The sheet takes care of the rest for you.

      Month to Month Comparison

      You can also compare two separate months, just change the selection in each of the columns.

      Privacy Mode Error in P&L Tab

      If you try to print or see the comparison Tab while privacy mode is on, you will see an alert show up in in the top right corner.

      Just go to either the Monthly or Yearly Overview tab and turn those off when you are ready.

      Mileage Log


      Record all your trips and easily keep track of your mileage with the included Mileage Log.


      Other Information

      Heads Up Error

      Protected Fields

      Some fields/sheets are locked to protect the integrity of the worksheet. If you need to modify a field that is protected, you will get a warning letting you know about the protected field. You may still proceed if you click “OK”, however, do so at your discretion.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      I just found another expense for a month I already entered, how do I include it?

      How can I see what my highest expense every month is?

      I accidentally removed one of the formulas, how can add it back?

      Still got Questions?


       The purpose of this worksheet is to help make things easier in the process of getting organized and to facilitate an easier way to keep track of all your expenses, therefore, it is for informational purposes only. It’s not intended to be used as legal, accounting, tax or any other kind of professional advice. It should not be relied upon by the user in this manner. Way-Easier Creations will not be reponsible for any miss-use or any damages or losses incurred while using this worksheet.

      This product is inteded for personal use only. All rights and copyrights belong to Way Easier Creations, LLC and it’s creator. Sharing and reselling of this product with or withoutmodification is prohibited. Please help us report any infringments by contacting us at info@wayeasiercreations

      This is a digital product, therefore, refunds and returns are not accepted. If you are having any issues with the product, feel to contact us on etsy messages by going to https://wayeasiercreations.etsy.com or email us at support@wayeasiercreations.com and we will be more than happy to help trouble shoot any issues.

      All our spreadsheets are designed to make it easier for you to accomplish professional and day-to-day tasks.

      If this product does not accomplish this, please send us feedback on how we can improve by emailing us at support@wayeasiercreations.com.

      Thanks for your purchase!